Dewis Cymru
Dewis Cymru is a fantastic place for information about well-being in Wales.They have information that can help us, and our partners as providers. The can also help with what matters to you, along with giving you information about local organisations and services that can help.
Find out more about Dewis here.
Gov UK
Tel: 0300 124 0315
Website: GOV.UK is the website for the UK government. It's the best place to find government services and information. GOV.UK has a section devoted to providing information for older adults and individuals with a disability.
Planning Portal
Website: Portal is the first port of call for anyone wanting to find out about the planning system in England and Wales. Its aim is to provide a one-stop-shop supplying answers, services and information to anyone involved in the planning process – from home owners and businesses to planning professionals and Government officials.
Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE)
Holyer House, 20-21 Red Lion Court, London EC4A 3EB
Tel: 020 7822 8232
Email: Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE) is the UK’s leading authority on inclusive design. Their aim is to help secure a built environment that is usable by everyone, including disabled and older people.
Tel: 0300 124 0315
Email: website has a search facility for local home improvement agencies and handyman services. Foundations is appointed by the Department of Communities and Local Government to oversee a national network of nearly 200 home improvement agencies (HIAs) and handy person providers across England.
British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA)
Suite 4.6, 14 Gowers Walk, London E1 8PY
Tel: 020 7702 2141 Email:
www.bhta.comThe BHTA is the largest trade association for suppliers and manufacturers of mobility/homecare products, including adjustable beds. They have a code of practice to which their members sign up. Contact the BHTA to obtain a list of members in your area.
Elderly Accommodation Council
EAC FirstStop Advice, 3rd Floor, 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TP
FirstStop Advice Line: 0800 377 7070
Email: charity providing free, independent information and advice on housing and care services for older people across the UK.
Customer Service Centre, Castlemead, Gascoyne Way, Hertford SG14 1LH
Tel: 01992 822 800
Email: is a brand name used by the Consumers' Association. It promotes informed consumer choice in the purchase of goods and services, by testing products, highlighting inferior products or services, raising awareness of consumer rights and offering independent advice. Which? Elderly Care is a free website created by Which? to provide independent information on all aspects of care for older people. Further reading: Which? guides -
Buying and installing a stairlift and
G03, The Wenlock 50-52 Wharf Road London N1 7EU
Tel: 020 7427 2460
Rica is a UK research charity providing information for older and disabled people.
Lift and Escalator Industry Association
33-34 Devonshire Street, London W1G 6PY
Tel: 020 7935 3013
Fax: 020 7935 3321
Email: Website: is the trade association and advisory body for the lift and escalator industry. LEIA aims to ensure its members have the best and most up to date information on safety, standards and legislative matters – supported by professional assistance. Membership covers 95% of the lift and escalator industry. You can search for members on their website.
Alzheimers Society
Devon House
58 St Katharine's Way
London E1W 1LB
Tel: 020 7423 3500
Fax: 020 7423 3501
Helpline: 0300 222 1122
Email:'s Society is the support and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers.
Dementia UK
6 Camden High Street
London, NW1 0JH
Tel: 020 7874 7200
Helpline: 0845 257 9406
Fax: 0845 519 2560
www.dementiauk.orgDementia UK is a national charity, committed to improving quality of life for all people affected by dementia.
Mind Cymru
3rd Floor Castlebridge 4
5-19 Cowbridge Road East
Cardiff CF11 9AB
Tel: 029 2039 5123
Email: are a national mental health charity in England and Wales, campaigning for change, offering information and support, working in local communities and providing professional training.
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